Our Vision

Imagine the dramatic impact upon our culture and communities if people in all stations of work would see their work as a primary way to love God and the people, places and efforts he created. As we help men and women grasp and embrace this idea, we see the presence of the Kingdom forming – within and between entire communities – that can be experienced and enjoyed by everyone it touches, regardless of their faith. Crime and violence will diminish. Families will be stronger. Workplaces and markets will become places of thriving goodness. Graduation rates will increase. Public spaces will become more beautiful. Justice and equity will be more refined. Air, water and land will be cleaner. Churches will be more harmonious and impacting. And yes, more and more people will come to know the deep love of God and will commit themselves to joining Jesus’ mission to renew and restore everything. We are inspired by the promise of this vision and we believe we have been invited to take a role in its coming.

More and more people will commit themselves to joining Jesus’ mission to renew and restore everything

For vision to be carried out though, it requires ears that will hear and hearts that will move. God has called us into a greater restoration than just our own hearts, more than just our own souls. He has called us into the redemption and reconciliation of His very creation. “A Kingdom with no end”, and we have a role in that Kingdom.

Join us. Engage in the conversation. Become active in the restoration God has called us into. Explore the components of City Gates Initiative and enter in with us, together.